Monday, February 25, 2013


Our time of serving was over. We packed our stuff, cleaned the dorms, and headed to the airport. We had experienced poverty and homelessness at a different level, and we were on our way back to our families and loved ones. Getting out at the airport, I was concerned about connecting up with the rest of the team, as we had to be dropped off in 2 vans. And then I stopped....and turned around....

Sitting, right outside the sliding doors we were entering to get into the warmth of the airport, was a man. I hesitated, because that's still my first reaction, but then I bent down, stuck my hand out, and said, "Hi, I'm Steve." This man looked up at me, confused, and considering he had a beer in his hand, drunk. But he took my hand. While shaking his hand, I asked him his name. "Devon", he said. I asked how he was doing, and he asked if anyone had a smoke for him. JoAnn generously shared a couple of cigarettes with him, and then she squatted down to join our conversation. We told Devon about The Relief Bus, and handed him some information on how to find them. We prayed over Devon, and went inside. The end of it, right? Well, God wasn't done with Devon and JoAnn.

A little later, we're sitting in the food court, eating breakfast. Who do I see shuffling in? Yep, Devon. He moves together 3 chairs and lies down. A few of us had some packages of peanut butter crackers, so I took 1 over to him. He was appreciative. I found another package a little later and simply put it on top of the other one, as by now, Devon appeared to be sleeping. And then I headed through security to get to my gate. The end of it, right? Well, not quite.

About 15 minutes later, JoAnn approaches me. After I went through security, JoAnn and Bev held back because they hadn't yet finished eating. While they were there, some cops came up to Devon, telling him he had to leave. From JoAnn's telling of the story, the cops didn't look like they were playing around. Without hesitation, though, JoAnn approaches Devon and tries to reassure him things are going to be okay. The cops asked JoAnn if she knew him and she told them she'd just met him. And then, JoAnn saw a visible change in the cops. They relaxed. They became more light hearted. In fact, as they pointed Devon toward where he needed to be, the cops didn't even follow him. They hung back by JoAnn and joked amongst each other. Would this have happened had JoAnn not intervened? I don't know, but my heart tells me no.

There are 2 things that struck me during our time with Devon. As I was shaking his hand, he looked me deep in my eyes and wouldn't let go of my hand. We're talking about an eight or nine pump handshake. Yes, I'm aware Devon was drunk, but you didn't see his eyes. They were talking to me. Devon's eyes said "Thank you. Thank you for noticing me. Thank you for giving me dignity for a few minutes. Thank you for caring." You know, as I sit here and type this, it hit me that I wasn't staring into Devon's eyes. I was staring into Jesus' eyes. "Whatever you did to one of the least of these, you did to me."

Secondly, how many of us are brave enough to do what JoAnn did? 3 cops, directing a homeless man where to go, and, without fear, she steps right in. Don't get me wrong, the cops weren't being mean, but it still took courage for her to do what she did. And because she did, Devon's day was going to be better.

For those of you afraid to speak with a homeless man, woman, or child, don't be. Yes, some of them are missing teeth, some of them smell like they haven't showered in a while, and some of them are suffering from mental illness. But, I got to see Jesus' drunk, dialated, eyes in the middle of a dirty, confused, worn face. And those eyes were beautiful.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

These Things We Do...That Others May Live

Rather than using my own words to describe just a few of the incredible people I've met these past few days, let me show you.  While we have given these brothers & sisters hot soup and steaming hot chocolate to keep them warm on these cold winter days - they have given so much more back to me.  I pray for: Lewis Rodriguez; Sister Lillie; Joshua; and Angel.  Spend some time with these folks - and you just might meet Jesus.

Lewis Rodriguez:

Sister Lillie & Joshua:


Thursday, February 21, 2013


So Joan was a woman of mature years. I think that means that she is older than me. She had her things in a bag on a wheely thing. I noticed her once then got wrapped into a conversation. When we were finished Joan was still standing. She did not look particularly happy or kind or English-speaking. But I just thought I would say hello. I did find her to be English speaking but she was also unhappy.

Joan and I chatted for quite some time. In the passage of 15-20 minutes (I am guessing), I learned a few reasons why Joan might be a little unhappy and angry and bitter.

Joan has three daughters. I learned that one of them had died. I learned that quickly as she answered my inquiry about growing up in NYC and her family. The rather permanent sorta scowl that marked her forehead would make anyone want to stay away. Other things that began to unfold of her life included how very hard life had become. How bad the area was from many years ago. She has two nephews. One she said was trying to be "good" and the other was "a demon." I was not sure what that meant other "bad."

As I mostly listened and offered a few sentences of sympathy and searched for hope, more stories kept coming. Her one daughter was an addict on drugs and alcohol. The other just alcohol. One of those girls threw her grandson out when he turned 18 as she chose her boyfriend over her son. Joan was obviously bitter and ashamed of this situation. So she told me that her grandson lives with her and is trying to get his GED and work. I tried to commend her. I asked her if that was tough to care for him. She said not really but in a way that was meant - it seemed - to convey to me that she is strong. What was so hard for me to hear was her strong condemnation of her daughter and she spoke of God being so good. Little by little she spoke more of having faith. Then I asked if there was a man in her life. She told me with disgust that men are no good in this area. Her husband was deceased and that was when her life ended. So grief still really guided her life. And then while on the topic of men and how awful they are she brought up her daughter who died. Some had been raped by some man she knew and he had AIDS and that is what killed her daughter. But her daughter was also a drug addict.

Wow. All this pain. All this loss. Tons of shame still. I was not sure what to say. I walked to the trash can and when I returned she was cynical. She said, "so I suppose we all have our stories and I bet you are really shocked and think mine is something." All I could find in my heart and mind to say was that I was saddened to hear that these things had been and still are part of her life. I asked if she had faith in the God of whom she spoke. And would she allow me to pray for her.

I prayed long. My heart broke for Joan. When I finished she said my prayer had made her day. She SMILED! Chuck had joined us for prayer and she teased with him a bit. Somehow she ended up telling us that he mother left her on their stoop when she was 5. She told her goodbye and go to her mom's friend's house. She never returned. Her father was a terrible addict and not in her life. Fast forward 50 years and when her mom came back and needed care, Joan gave it. She said she did not harbor resentment but forgave her mom. This all was not terribly evident. But it didn't matter to me.

Ya know. In the end of that encounter Joan gave me a big hug. Her life may or may not have been changed. But she smiled. She actually smiled. I reminded her that sings over her each of her children and her. He still loves them all. I don't know if she believed me or not. I hope she thinks about it.

How much I have to learn from Joan. That will come in some later blog when I figure out how to put it into words.

For Joan. She was one of the least of these. She was the orphan now turned widow. She is poor. She is hurt. She fits every description of who God wants us to care for.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

God In This City

Today was day #1 of 4 for our Grace Community Church team serving alongside with NY City Relief on The Relief Bus.  For me personally it was day #1 of my second time here with The Relief Bus, and it's amazing to me how little things have changed since I was last here a year ago January - and yet how much things have changed.  On the one hand, the wheels on the Relief Bus are still rollin,' transforming lives and being the hands and feet of Jesus in so many incredible (and unpredictable) ways.  Bread is still being served, hot vegetable soup is still being made, and hygiene kits and socks are flying out of the back of the bus.  All of these things, as usual, are being done with great care and extreme compassion as we consider ourselves fortunate and blessed to serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Christ.  Yes, there's even a brand-new Relief Bus in the fleet but have no fear - old faithful still has its wheels rolling least for the next couple of months.

On the other hand, much has changed since a year ago.  Our group obviously has a different make-up - there are 15 of us with a fairly even balance of men and women.  This compared to last year when there were 12 of us, all but 2 being men!  Also, some of The Relief Bus staff have moved on, and there are a few new folks as well, so that has been awesome so far to see new faces as well reconnect with old ones, all the while being quietly reminded of each of their selflessness in abandoning the comforts of modern life to serve.  And also, it seems that The Relief Bus as an organization is in an intense period of future anticipated growth and as such are struggling with that means and how that looks moving forward.  But to hear the stories of life change over the course of the past 20+ years that NYC Relief has been in existence is, to say the least, soul-penetrating.  Knowing that despite the MANY challenges and obstacles that exist, The Relief Bus has thrived and is only getting better, touching more lives and leading more out of bondage and towards Christ than ever before, is humbling.  Yet paradoxically, this fact is also sobering because it highlights the great and growing need of those who are struggling and how desperately - now more than ever - this world needs Jesus Christ and His saving Grace (including all of us!).  We heard today how there are now more than 50,000 homeless people just in NYC alone.  Without God and His overwhelming peace that transcends all understanding, this number would be paralyzing.  And yet we march on, knowing and believing that this isn't OUR battle to be won but that we are simply doing what we are called to do - be the light in this dark world.

For me personally my soul is in a much different (and better!) place than a year ago.  I have experienced incredible spiritual maturity and look at the world around me in a very different way.  Being that this is my second year here serving with The Relief Bus, I was able to approach this trip with much more intentionality and purpose than a year ago; partially because I had a better understanding of expectations but also partially because I truly WANTED to get back out here and start serving again.  I hope, as the next couple of days progress, that I might reconnect with some of those friends who touched my life here last year: Lilly; and Cedric; and William; and Angel.

So, as we move on to day 2, despite our tiredness and weariness, and our emotional exhaustion, we press on.  I pray for those whom are on the streets right now - nobody knowing their name or even of their existence.  And I pray for those whom we will be serving tomorrow, as well as Friday & Saturday; that despite OUR circumstances we can touch at least one person's life, giving them value and dignity along with hot food and drink and perhaps some socks.  But most of all I pray that we will show everyone that yes, God is in this city!

For a look at some of our photos from this trip, check out: Relief Bus Photos, February 2013

A Broken, Hurting Man

For a fairly short amount of time today in Chelsea Park, I was able to give out hygiene kits to many that waited behind the bus. One by one, they'd come up, we'd give them a kit along with an extra pair of socks, and ask if there was anything we could pray for. As you can imagine, we got a lot of requests, most of which were for "the usual"; health, finances, etc. And then Angel came. Angel had been drinking, but Angel was real. Angel was authentic. He asked us to pray against his addiction, and he asked us to pray for healing in his relationship with his wife. Angel hasn't seen his wife since he left on Monday, and I'm sure his wife is worried about him. How do I know this? Because Angel has been in rehab before, and as he shared how his wife supported him through it, you can tell they have a marriage of love. We took Angel to the front of the bus to try to get him into a program. We spoke at length with him about the changes he needs to make in his life, the challenges of rehab, and how difficult it's going to be once he's back on his own.

For those of you not familiar with street ministry, to say there are highs and lows would be quite an understatement. As Lance, the outreach leader, called to get him into a program, he gave Angel's medicare information to the intake official. Because nothing can be easy, the number didn't work. However, because God is good, and because the Chelsea Park outreach is next to a church, Lance and I were able to walk over and connect him with them. I am happy to say, Angel got into a program. Now is the hard part. Now is when Angel needs to let go of the additions. Now is when Angel needs the healing power of Jesus to overwhelm him in ways he's never seen.

I will be praying for Angel and his future. Will you join me?

Day 1 - Chelsea Park

Day 1 done - well, the prep, serve, freeze, packup, cleanup, and debrief.

I got to go to the Portuguese bakery to pick up the bread we would hand out.  One different thing this time was that we also got bagels and loaves of bread (already sliced).  We did not know this was a fairly new thing....until we got to Chelsea Park.  We filled bins for sure, but came away with some empty bins as well.  If I had not seen a couple pictures from when Chuck went a couple years ago....well, I would not have believed this is where we got bread.  I'll post pics in another blog after I have the chance to upload pics.

As we pulled into the Relief Bus base, the soup was made, hot cocoa made, and all things loaded to the buses.  We got the bread loaded when we arrived.  One last potty break, prayer, and our battle cry - "These things we do that others might live" -  and we were off.  

the bus ride in was relatively uneventful.  We were in the old bus.  The bus with no heat.  The bus with natural air-conditioning...even in the winter.  I'm pretty sure there are no shocks left on this bus either, and there are plenty of potholes and little holes and bumps and I think thin lines that felt like potholes!  Anyway - we had a good time of worship (although the music was quite loud for even my taste) that was for personal use.  It was quite important and valuable for me to prepare my heart and mind.  A time of prayer and then we were at Chelsea Park....15 minutes early.  There was already someone waiting...and QUICKLY there was a line that formed.  

Today was a different kind of day for me.  Spent the first 2.5 hours serving hot chocolate.  Got to greet hundreds of people.  Many people smiled.  Many people met my eyes.  And....many didn't.  Some said "thank-you" and some did not.  Some actually said, "God bless you."  and...many did not.  Some people seemed very....."normal."  Others came with all their belongings in a couple bags.  There were a few shopping carts parked along the fence.  There were the few men who loved to "flirt" in their own way.  Compliments on beautiful eyes (and that is NOT something that is a usual compliment to me).   We had many ethnicities represented.  Many Hispanics and Asians.  The Asians spoke almost no English.  They mostly pointed.  And....the women seemed a bit angry and demanding.  I tried very hard to speak to each person whether they received hot chocolate or not.  The lines were long and some guys would get angry if the line did not move quickly.  There were several men who came back for seconds...and thirds...and one guy up to a FIFTH cup of hot chocolate.  Those folks were usually very friendly and began to joke a bit about their returns for more.  It was nice to have a tiny bit of familiarity build even if it was based on cups of hot chocolate.  

this blog will only be SOME of my experiences and early thoughts I've had thus far.  In I type I am keenly aware that I really haven't thought much yet about anything...and...I need to continue this later.

It's time to shower - when typically I would take the time to ponder.  However, there is the little matter of seemingly unpredictable hot water supply.  

Know these things though:
  • Our soup ROCKS 
  • Our hot chocolate (Swiss Miss) must really ROCK based on how much we went through today
  • "Bread" really means "rolls" - of a particular size and shape....and I guess it MATTERS to many peeps at Chelsea Park.
  • Life in New York City - on the whole - is ROUGH.  UNFAIR.  
  • The people we see are often hardened, hurt, angry, bitter.
  • The Relief Bus is a light in the darkness....
  • The Relief Bus brings .... relief....and light....and hope.
  • People need Jesus.
  • Jesus is the Hope of the World.
For one of the least of these...and we saw approximately 900 people between our site at Chelsea Park and the other bus at West Harlem.  10 of whom had "office visits" requesting serious prayer and intention for taking a next step.  4 people got immediately into that next step program.  

until my next blog....

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Answer to Someone's Prayer?

I've been to NYC 6 or 7 times to serve on The Relief Bus. Logistically, things are pretty static from one trip to another. We book flights, get out there, get to where we're staying, show up and follow along, hopefully meeting Jesus in those we serve. We have a training guide to go through that teaches us what we should and shouldn't do in street outreach. But this time, something is different.

A couple years back, we started being commissioned by an elder at Grace. In Acts 13, Barnabas and Saul were sent off "for the work to which I (God) have called them." Instead of them just up and leaving, Acts 13:3 states, "So after they (prophets and teachers) had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off." We have seen a profound impact on the trips preceded by commissioning.

During our commissioning, Chris Johnson spoke of us being the answer to someone's prayer on the streets. Whoa! That rocked me. I am the answer to someone's prayer? That puts this trip in a different perspective. I am no longer someone simply coming out from central Indiana to help out; I am being sent by Christ himself to fulfill a cry out from a hurting soul to Him. This knowledge takes this from a chance encounter to a divine appointment. I've said God puts these mission trip teams together, and this pretty much solidifies it.

I am so dreading being away from my wife and kids, but so excited about seeing what Christ has in store for us. I pray each of us can leave our fears and anxieties at the foot of the Cross and be open and vulnerable to what's ahead.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

But I am ready. God bless those who are being readied without even knowing. Excited to meet them!

For the least of these (and our great team).

excited to see my friend Marie and her family. Sure am glad I get to check a bag since we need more days of clothing and a towel.

Ready or not, here I come!

On my way to the airport. Testing this post via my phone. Hope it works so I can post quick stories while they are fresh and iPhone pics to go with.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Welcome More Authors

More Authors invited to Post during our Trip

I've opened up this blogsite to others on our team.  We wanted others to have an opportunity to post their thoughts, concerns, experiences, prayer requests, and photos.  This will allow our team to have a central location for sharing our trip with family and friends.  Plus, since we'll be split into two groups (and more during Don't Walk By, my experiences are not ALL of what will be seen.  

I hope you all enjoy everything you read.  


Friday, February 15, 2013

Getting Ready

Friday Night

Well, Sunday is just about here.  Tonight will put some things in a bag and gather other things to pack tomorrow.  I think I am more nervous this time than the first time I went on this trip.  I don't think that is a bad thing necessarily - it just IS.  I mean, my goodness, I'm trying to get ready to meet Jesus!