Monday, February 25, 2013


Our time of serving was over. We packed our stuff, cleaned the dorms, and headed to the airport. We had experienced poverty and homelessness at a different level, and we were on our way back to our families and loved ones. Getting out at the airport, I was concerned about connecting up with the rest of the team, as we had to be dropped off in 2 vans. And then I stopped....and turned around....

Sitting, right outside the sliding doors we were entering to get into the warmth of the airport, was a man. I hesitated, because that's still my first reaction, but then I bent down, stuck my hand out, and said, "Hi, I'm Steve." This man looked up at me, confused, and considering he had a beer in his hand, drunk. But he took my hand. While shaking his hand, I asked him his name. "Devon", he said. I asked how he was doing, and he asked if anyone had a smoke for him. JoAnn generously shared a couple of cigarettes with him, and then she squatted down to join our conversation. We told Devon about The Relief Bus, and handed him some information on how to find them. We prayed over Devon, and went inside. The end of it, right? Well, God wasn't done with Devon and JoAnn.

A little later, we're sitting in the food court, eating breakfast. Who do I see shuffling in? Yep, Devon. He moves together 3 chairs and lies down. A few of us had some packages of peanut butter crackers, so I took 1 over to him. He was appreciative. I found another package a little later and simply put it on top of the other one, as by now, Devon appeared to be sleeping. And then I headed through security to get to my gate. The end of it, right? Well, not quite.

About 15 minutes later, JoAnn approaches me. After I went through security, JoAnn and Bev held back because they hadn't yet finished eating. While they were there, some cops came up to Devon, telling him he had to leave. From JoAnn's telling of the story, the cops didn't look like they were playing around. Without hesitation, though, JoAnn approaches Devon and tries to reassure him things are going to be okay. The cops asked JoAnn if she knew him and she told them she'd just met him. And then, JoAnn saw a visible change in the cops. They relaxed. They became more light hearted. In fact, as they pointed Devon toward where he needed to be, the cops didn't even follow him. They hung back by JoAnn and joked amongst each other. Would this have happened had JoAnn not intervened? I don't know, but my heart tells me no.

There are 2 things that struck me during our time with Devon. As I was shaking his hand, he looked me deep in my eyes and wouldn't let go of my hand. We're talking about an eight or nine pump handshake. Yes, I'm aware Devon was drunk, but you didn't see his eyes. They were talking to me. Devon's eyes said "Thank you. Thank you for noticing me. Thank you for giving me dignity for a few minutes. Thank you for caring." You know, as I sit here and type this, it hit me that I wasn't staring into Devon's eyes. I was staring into Jesus' eyes. "Whatever you did to one of the least of these, you did to me."

Secondly, how many of us are brave enough to do what JoAnn did? 3 cops, directing a homeless man where to go, and, without fear, she steps right in. Don't get me wrong, the cops weren't being mean, but it still took courage for her to do what she did. And because she did, Devon's day was going to be better.

For those of you afraid to speak with a homeless man, woman, or child, don't be. Yes, some of them are missing teeth, some of them smell like they haven't showered in a while, and some of them are suffering from mental illness. But, I got to see Jesus' drunk, dialated, eyes in the middle of a dirty, confused, worn face. And those eyes were beautiful.


  1. I don't know what this says about me, but I need to hear this story (in its various iterations) over and over again!

    1. It's the world we live in Jeff. Ignoring the problem makes it go away, right? Not quite. Thank you to you and all the leaders at Grace for reminding us it's not okay to ignore injustice.

  2. Steve....I really, really know what you mean about realizing you are looking into Jesus' eyes....and He is looking back. Surreal. Lovely. Emotional. We shook so many hands of Jesus and looked into so many eyes....some so reluctant to look back. Randy was that way a bit too - on the bench in Central Park. He was probably wondering who in the WORLD would jump out of a van to come talk to HIM!? But if only for a moment...Randy...and Devon...were being touched - on the surface of his skin all the way to the depths of his/their soul. You were amazing on this trip. So glad to have served with you.

    1. Unfortunately, nearly the rest of the world agrees with Randy. Who in the world would jump out of a van to go talk with a homeless man? You did, and for that Jesus smiles.

      It was an honor to serve alongside both you and Chuck, not to mention the rest of the team.

  3. Steve, that is beautiful. Thank you so much for posting. I told Devon that he had the most beautiful eyes because I saw Jesus in them. When you stepped off to find a flyer for him he thanked me for telling him that and he actually smiled a little smile. He was so thankful we stopped for him, I think he was a bit overwhelmed and so appreciative. He seemed scared when the police were on his case then instantly relieved when I went over and talked to him/them. It was indeed a good thing we did and another great day to serve the Lord. Everyday is a great day to serve the Lord and you are excellent at doing just that. Keep it up. God Bless you.

    1. That's amazing Jo Ann. Thank you for all you did on this trip.
